Governor Little recently appointed Brian Olmstead, Class 29, to the Idaho Water Resource Board. Brian has been serving as Manager of Twin Falls Canal Company and will soon retire from that role.
Congratulations to Dave Reynolds, Class 40, on the birth of his 6th grandchild – Roslyn Marie born to Dave and Karla’s son, Tyler and his wife Danielle. Dave operates a diversified farming operation in the Kuna area. Stephen Parrott, Class 39, was recently presented an Honorary State FFA Degree from the Idaho FFA Association. Stephen serves as Chairman of the Board for the Idaho FFA Foundation which raises money to support the work of the FFA in Idaho. Stephen works for Fort Boise Produce, with owner Joe Farmer, Class 35. Congratulations to Randy Brooks, Class 16, who was recently presented an award for Advising Excellence, by the University of Idaho College of Natural Resources where he is a faculty member. The Idaho Hay and Forage Association recently held elections to fill two new board positions. Elected to serve on the board were Devin Fielding, Class 40, Shelley, and Larry Hollifield, Class 41, Hansen. Both men are involved in family farming and ranching operations. Also, re-elected as President of Idaho Hay and Forage Association was Will Ricks, Class 27. Alan Martinson, Class 27, has completed the available terms on the LIA Board of Trustees. This will leave a vacant position on the board for a three-year term that will be elected in June by the membership. If you are an alumnus in good standing and would like to have your name provided to the Governance Committee for consideration, please pass your name along to Rick Waitley at [email protected]. Congratulations to Jace Johnson, Class 40, and wife Micah on the birth of child #5, Violet Sidse Johnson, born on April 9. Jace works for Mart Produce in Rupert. Jace wrote: “She is named after my great-great-great grandmother, who was Sidse Jorgensen in Denmark and Sidse Johnson after they had moved to the United States. She and her husband (Jorgen Jorgensen / John Johnson) were original settlers of the town of Ovid, Idaho and my Johnson line has been in Idaho ever since. We hope that our little girl will follow her fourth great grandmother's example of being faithful and strong in the midst of trial and heartache and continue to build a strong Idaho legacy that will last for generations to come”. We are hearing good reports on Blaine Hulet, Class 23. He has been released from the hospital and is at home recuperating from his bout with COVID. Please continue to keep Blaine in your thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. Congratulations to Robin Wylie Lindquist, Class 21, who recently had a letter to the editor published in the Capitol Press. Robin expressed her concerns related to Congressman Simpson’s proposal to remove dams on the Lower Snake River system. Did everyone get everything? That is the looming question from the 2021 Virtual LIA Auction. We have done our best (with a great deal of cooperation and support) to get items moved around from those who donated, to those who purchased. Let us know if you are missing anything or if you still have items that need to be picked up, to get to the rightful owner. If you have specific questions reach out to Kendra at [email protected].
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February 2025