The Moscow session is behind us, and we are off and running with Class 36. The average age of this year’s participants is 36.5 years old. The class members also have very diverse backgrounds. Eleven members are females, and nine members work in production agriculture.
Congratulations to Tom Chamberlin, Class 32 - currently a sales agronomist for Moscow Kendrick agronomy group of CHS Primeland - for being named the Manager of the Moscow Group that includes Grain and Agronomy operations in the Moscow and Kendrick areas. Tom has been with CHS Primeland for a total of 15 years. Lance Hedler, Class 35, and his wife, Rachael, welcomed Raegan Elizabeth (7lb., 10 oz.) to the world on October 31. Truly a Halloween to remember at the Hedler home! Lance is employed at CHS Primeland. Our sympathy is extended to Blair Wilson, Class 11, in the sudden death of his brother, Kyle - a farmer in the Lapwai area. Kyle passed away on Friday, November 6, from an apparent heart attack. Class 35 members living in north Idaho planned and coordinated a great event for the North Idaho Regional LIA Event during the Moscow session. The event was held at Lindsay Creek Winery, owned and operated by LIA Alumni Doug McIntosh, Class 19, and his brother, Art McIntosh, Class 31. Alumni throughout the north Idaho area were in attendance, including: John Bohman, Class 30 Carly Raska, Class 34 Russ Zenner, Class 3 Kim O’Neill, Class 27 Jen Root, Class 35 Josh Huff, Class 31 Cliff Tacke, Class 21 Aaron Johnson, Class 34 Kirk Moser, Class 35 Dan Johnson, Class 14 Buck Boyer, Class 29 Lovina (Roselle) Englund, Class 35 Debra Ausman, Class 19 Samantha Ramsay, Class 35 Treg Owings, Class 35 Mark Zacharisen, Class 17 Aubrey Hoxie, Class 34 Steve Kaufman, Class 34 Jim Hudson, Class 34 Several of the LIA alumni brought guests who are potential recruits for future classes. Many family members and spouses were also in attendance. A special program was presented on the history and role of PNW Farmer’s Cooperative, based in Genesee, by President and CEO Bill Newbry. Door prizes were also given throughout the evening. A total of 75 were in attendance. NOTE: The Eastern Idaho Regional LIA Event will be held at Portneuf Brewing Company in Pocatello on Tuesday, December 8 at 6:30 PM. Guests and family members are invited to join Class 36 for the evening’s event. Congratulations to Diane French, Class 34, who was selected as the new Deputy Director overseeing Lands and Waterways Division for the Idaho State Department of Lands. Diane has been working as a Land Resource Specialist at the Southwest Area office in Boise. Please continue your support and prayers for Jim Hudson, Class 34, who is having dialysis each week due to end stage renal failure. Jim will be stepping in as President of Idaho Water Users at their annual meeting this winter. He feels he can maintain his frequent medical procedures and still serve in this important capacity. He also was recently appointed to the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer Protection District Board as a representative to water districts. Looking for a unique gift? Consider an Idaho Agriculture Christmas item being offered by Idaho Ag in the Classroom! Click here to view the flyer/order form. All funds generated from these sales help to promote the Idaho Ag in the Classroom program and activities – helping students learn more about agriculture!
Congratulations to Stephanie Etter, Class 26, and her husband, Ryan, who welcomed a son, Michael Philip, into their world on October 23. Michael joins big brother Morgan.
Wedding bells rang over the summer for Steve Miller, Class 29, and Cheryl Sandy. Steve serves as State Representative from District 26. We look forward to getting acquainted with Cheryl during the 2016 Legislative Session. Monsanto Company recently gave a $7500 donation to Leadership Idaho Agriculture! LIA Trustee, Kristie Dorsey, Class 35, was presented the check from Brett Lolley, Class 28, on behalf of Monsanto. Thanks to Kendra Dustin, Class 32, LIA Fund Development director, for her work in securing this support. Our sympathy is extended to Mary Hasenoehrl, Class 17, in the recent passing of her mother. A promotion for Don Kemner, Class 28, within Idaho Department of Fish and Game, has changed Don’s title to State Habitat Program Manager. Don also received special recognition from the Idaho Weed Coordinating Committee, on which he has served as chairman for the past two years. Recognition was given to Debbie Kauffman, wife of LIA alumni Clark Kauffman, Class 13, when she was presented with the Mills-Alder Award from the Idaho Association of Counties. Debbie has served as County Treasurer for Twin Falls County since 2001. Cathy Ford, Class 26, was recently elected vice chairman of the Idaho Weed Coordinating Committee. Garren Apple, Class 27, with AgPro Consulting, LLC, has been awarded the Accredited Farm Manager designation from the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. ~~~~~~~~~ Doug Jones recently sent a request to LIA alumni related to the State Pesticide Container Recycling program. The response was excellent and your comments were greatly appreciated. Here is a note from Doug: LIA Alumni: Thank you to those who responded to the short survey on recycling of agricultural pesticide jugs sent out earlier this week. Your answers and comments were both thoughtful and helpful to the discussions on the future of the program. Thank you again for your time and participation. Sincerely, Douglas R. Jones Jones and Associates ~~~~~~~~~ The LIA Nominations Committee will be going to work shortly to fill open positions on the LIA Board of Trustees which will be available due to term limits. If you are interested in having your name considered for a position, please notify Rick at [email protected]. Mark your calendar for the 2016 LIA Alumni Gala Dinner and Auction – Thursday, February 18 - at The Riverside Hotel in Boise! Grand Prize information will be in your mailbox later this month. The LIA Auction Committee is doing a wonderful job preparing for this event! |
February 2025