Congratulations to Jonathan Pettit, Class 29, who has a new position with EPA in Washington, D.C. His new title is Office of Compliance, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Planning, Measures and Oversight Division of State and Tribal Performance Branch. Try to fit that on a business card!
Samantha Anderson, Class 23, has been selected to receive her Honorary State FFA degree during the Idaho FFA Conference to be held in Twin Falls in mid-April. Samantha has been very active in assisting with local and regional FFA activities in her area. Congratulations to Kristie Dorsey, Class 35, who was re-elected as President of the Idaho Ag in the Classroom Association. And now there are six! Will Ricks, Class 27, and his wife, Angie, welcomed the newest member of their family - Aliza - seven weeks earlier than planned! Will writes that Aliza was taken off oxygen on March 16 and was breathing on her own. If she keeps improving she should be able to go home in a few weeks. Aliza joins siblings Logan-16, Ambriee-13, Kraiten-10, Treyson-7, and Alliee-3. Believe it or not! The winner of the Grand Prize from the 2015 Auction – Trip for two to Ireland - was one of our very own LIA alumni – Don McFarland. Don is a member of Class 1, graduating in 1986. Don and his wife, Carol, will join the folks from Glanbia for the trip in September 2016. The LIA Advisory Committee elected officers on Friday. Those elected to serve for the coming year are Julie Pipal, Class 18, as Chairman and Jim Lowe, Class 31, as Vice Chairman. The LIA Advisory Committee meets throughout the year with more regularity than the LIA Board of Trustees. The LIA Foundation has recently changed banking locations and is now with D.L. Evans Bank, which is based in Idaho. LIA DVD: If you were at the LIA Auction, you had the opportunity to preview the new LIA promotional video. If you are interested in securing a copy of the DVD for promotion of the program in your community, company or agency, please let our office know and we will send you a copy. We hope to have a copy in the hands of each LIA Trustee in the next few weeks, which will allow the DVD’s to be spread throughout the state. AUCTION LEFTOVERS - Two gift certificates - one to Steamers in McCall (a steak restaurant) and another for Toytown in Meridian. If you were the winner of either of these prizes, please contact Rick Waitley. CLASS 36 In about two weeks 1,665 postcards will be mailed to potential LIA members. The competition to be chosen as a participant is becoming increasingly intense as more people hear about the program and the list of potential participants grows. Some applications for Class 36 have already been received. Applications are available through our office or online at our website Please tell applicants to submit applications now WITHOUT funding information. Funding, including scholarships if needed, will be addressed at a later time. Each application will include two letters of reference and an essay about why the applicant wants to participate in the program. Applications must be submitted by August 1.
A word of thanks . . .
It would be impossible to name everyone involved in the success of the 2015 LIA Alumni Auction. The results of the auction demonstrated outstanding leadership throughout the ranks of LIA, right down to the current graduating class. The funds generated will provide scholarships and support for the growth of programs and activities sponsored by LIA. While raising money was an important result of the auction, an even greater accomplishment was the electricity in the air throughout the evening as friends and classmates reunited. Thanks, everyone, for a great time in Boise on February 19. We hope more can join us each year as we come together and celebrate the achievements of this program. Rick Waitley, Executive Director Our sympathy is extended to Kip Dennis, Class 19, in the passing of his wife, Gwen, this past week. Kip serves as a Trustee for the LIA Foundation and is currently employed at D.L. Evans Bank. Congratulations to Laurette Gaylord, Class 31, who became a grandmother over the weekend. Coming 6 weeks early (due on April 17), grandbaby Hadley weighed in at 4.9 pounds and was 18” long. Parents are Laurette’s daughter, Lacey, and son-in-law, Randy. Congratulations to Marc Fonnesbeck, Class 29, who was recently named as CEO of Idaho AgCredit in Blackfoot. Congratulations to the Hartman Family Farming operation outside of Parma. The Hartman’s have been identified by the prestigious Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. LIA graduates involved in the Hartman operation include: Bill Hartman, Class 5; John Hartman, Class 10; Josh Rubel, Class 32; and Jeff Hartman, Class 34. The farm will be featured at a special kiosk at the Smithsonian this summer to help visitors learn more about American agriculture. At the 2015 Alumni Auction, the 10th Founder’s Club Award was presented to Jeff Williams, Class 10, who recently retired from Glanbia Foods, Inc. Many members of Jeff’s family were able to attend with him and share in the presentation of this award honoring his investment in LIA. Congratulations to Will Ricks, Class 27, who was elected President of the Idaho Hay and Forage Association at their recent conference. Congratulations also to Ben McIntyre, Class 29, who was elected Vice President. Moving into a new position in the world of Idaho Fish and Game is Tieg Ulschmid, Class 32, who was recently promoted to work on habitat-related restoration projects for anadromous fish in the Clearwater Region. Tieg is now working under the Fisheries Bureau. This year’s Washington, D.C., Experience is April 12-17 and will include visits to federal agencies and national groups. Our group for this year includes the following: Kristie Dorsey (Class 35) Kendra Dustin (Class 32), LIA Fund Development Director Nate (Class 33) and Launa (Class 32) Fowler Aric (Class 35) and Michelle Frostenson, and two teens Kyra Gibson (Class 35) Annie Inks (Class 35) Ann Jacops (Class 31) Benjamin Kelly (Class 29) Alex (Class 35) and Leah Reed, and baby Steve (Class 35) and Lindsey Smith Rick (Class 8) and Dorita Waitley, Tour Coordinators |
February 2025