Congratulations to Josh Bevan, Class 33, and his wife Tashera on the birth of a baby boy, Finnan Allen Bevan. Finnan was due July 25th but did not want to miss out on the 4th of July activities so came a little early on July 1. Josh heads the U of I Food Technology Center in Caldwell.
On June 26, Jacob, Class 39, and Sabrina Gisler welcomed into the world Hank Thomas Gisler, weighing in at 7 lbs 4 oz and 19" long. Jacob reports the family is adjusting well to Hank being at home and are excited for the days ahead. Jacob works for PNW Farmers' Cooperative in Genesee where he is the Seed Division Manager. Willis Dale Schoepflin, was born on June 22, to Carly, Class 34, and Rob Schoepflin, coming into the world weighing 8 pounds and 21 inches in length. Already Willis has been up in Mom and Dad's plane flying over the Palouse. Siska Reece, Class 38, and her husband Justin recently were selected by Afimilk to attend the Connect Summit in Colorado. Justin and Siska are involved in the family dairy operation south of Nampa near Melba, Moo-Riah Dairy Farm. Brad Griff, Class 36, Executive Director of Idaho Sugarbeet Growers, has been coordinating an Idaho Congressional Fact Finding Tour for Congressional Aides from Washington D.C., hosted by LIA. The tour will take place in the Treasure Valley, August 12-16. Treasure Valley LIA Alumni are welcome and encouraged to join the tour and participate in some of the meals for the ten DC guests that will be visiting Idaho. Our prayers and sympathy go to Rhett Spear, Class 37, and his wife Aria Spear, Class 39, who both lost grandpas in a very short period of time. Rhett's grandfather passed a couple of weeks ago and a week later Aria's grandfather passed. July 1 marked a change in leadership for the LIA Foundation. Elected by the LIA alumni membership as new trustees for three-year terms were: Blair Wilson, Class 11, Malia Miller, Class 36, Travis Lammers, Class 34, and Dennis Merrick, Class 39. Elected as new officers for the coming year are Chairman, Blake Matthews, Class 36; Vice Chairman, Jim Lowe, Class 31; and Secretary/Treasurer, Aric Frostenson, Class 35. July 1 marks the start of the 2019-2020 membership year for LIA. Now is the time to pay your annual membership fee ($50.00) or consider a Lifetime Membership ($1000). You can pay your membership fee online or fill out the form and send a check to the LIA office. We look forward to receiving your membership for this year. Directory Update: Now is the time to review your entry in the LIA Alumni Directory! If you have not already, please follow these simple steps to confirm or change your information:
Please plan to attend one of the scheduled summer events for LIA Alumni when we are in your area. Each of the locations are called Grill and Potluck. LIA will provide the meat, table service, beverages and we ask each participant to bring a salad and dessert to supplement the meal. Please plan to bring enough to share with ten people. Your spouse and families are encouraged to join us. This is also a great opportunity to invite potential LIA participants and have them interact with other LIA alumni living in your area. Each event starts at 6:00 PM. July 16 Eastern Magic Valley Riverside RV Park Heyburn July 22* Central North Idaho Winchester Park Winchester July 31 Treasure Valley Home of Rick & Dorita Waitley Meridian *NOTE: The Central North Idaho event will be a catered BBQ. There will be a fee to attend and details will be sent to all North Idaho LIA Alumni in advance of the event.
February 2025