Congratulations to Aubrey Hoxie, Class 34, and husband Brandon who celebrated the birth of Rylee Elizabeth on April 2. Aubrey is employed by USDA NRCS as an area Conservationist.
Andrea Thompson, Class 40, was recently promoted to lead the Plant Industry Division of ISDA. Andrea will serve as Administrator of the largest division inside the structure of the agency which includes inspections, noxious and invasive weeds and commercial feed and fertilizer. At a recent meeting of the Idaho Onion Growers’ Association, Jarom Jemmett, Class 39, was elected President and Brennan Gabiola-Harris, Class 32, was elected Vice President of the association. Both men are farmers in the Parma/Caldwell areas where they raise onions and other field crops. Travis Jones, Class 28, recently joined the firm of Riley Stegner and Associates as a Principal. Travis will work in the area of agriculture and natural resource policy for the public affairs team. Travis previously worked as Executive Director of the Idaho Grain Producers, Nike, and was on staff with Senator Larry Craig for several years. Ron Jones, Class 2, and Teri Murrison, Affiliate Member, are both in Uganda at this time on a Roots Africa tour being coordinated by Cedric Nwafor. You can join the adventure by following Teri’s blog Dispatches from Out West. Sympathy is extended to Alan Martinson, Class 27, on the recent passing of his wife Virginia’s brother. Alan is the Latah County Noxious Weed Superintendent based in Moscow. Leah Clark, Class 26, recently suffered the loss of her mother who had been living with her for the past few months in Billings, Montana where Leah serves as the General Manager of the Northern Internal Livestock Exposition (NILE). Orville Hartman, a farmer in the Parma area passed away recently after working on the farm alongside his sons, Bill Hartman, Class 5, and John Hartman, Class 10. We have toured the Hartman Farm operation many times with various groups over the years, and Orville would frequently join the tour to make sure the “boys” told the story accurately. Grandchildren of Orville include Josh Rubel, Class 32, Jeff Hartman, Class 34, and Kathryn Scott, Class 41. Spencer Larsen, Class 42, lost his father Michael recently at the age of 66. Spencer and his dad were involved in the family farming operation near Blackfoot. Registration for the LIA Golf Scramble, June 9 in Twin Falls, is now open! Information about the tournament is available at If you would like to join the planning committee please contact LIA Development Director, Kendra Dustin at [email protected]. The ballot for election of Trustees and Officers for the LIA Board was emailed to all lifetime and current annual members last Friday and is due back by May 15. A total of 260 emails were sent to current members. Those who are on the ballot include the following: For trustees for a second 3-year term: Jim Miller, Class 29, and Andy Kaler, Non LIA Graduate. Those nominated for a three-year term on the board include: Kyle Woods, Class 32, Gabe Flick, Class 41, Corbin Knowles, Class 43, Pat Purdy, Class 30, and Britt Beene, Class 36. Nominated for officers are Chairman Malia Miller, Class 36, Vice Chairman, Travis Lammers, Class 34, and Secretary/Treasurer Nic Wittman, Class 39. Mark your calendar for the next LIA State Exchange. The decision has been made that the Exchange will take place in Louisiana, November 11-17. More details will follow. The tour will include a variety of stops related to rice and crawfish production, sugarcane harvest, a look at salvage forest timber harvest, LSU Water Institute related to the lower Mississippi river and coastal impact, plus more to be determined. The tour will arrive and depart from New Orleans. If you are interested in being placed on the “keep me informed list” please email your name and contact information to Kendra Dustin at [email protected]. The LIA Trustees in a trustee meeting in April renewed the contract agreements with Executive Director Rick Waitley, Class 8, and Development Director Kendra Dustin, Class 32, for the coming year. Recently the staff at AMG conducted the initial training of the new team of State FFA Officers. Those involved in the training included: Patxi Larrocea-Phillips, Class 41, Kyra Gibson, Class 35, and Rick Waitley, Class 8. The six state officers are the following: President: Delainee Ellsworth, Deary Vice President: Carson Suchan, Minico Secretary: Hallye Duckett, Vallivue Treasure: Clayton Moore, Weiser Reporter: Josiah Knapp, Hagerman Sentinel: Kamille Mirkin, Jerome The training is much like LIA on steroids, introduction, business and industry tours, Me in a Box activity and making first impressions.
February 2025