Our deepest sympathy is extended to Shane Robins, Class 35, and his wife, Jaime, in the tragic loss of their 18-month-old son, Bayler, in a canal drowning accident on April 20. Our condolences are also sent to family members: Richard Durrant, Class 9 (Grandfather); Kara Hurst, Class 30 (Aunt); and Neil Durrant, Class 34 (Uncle).
We offer our sincere condolences to Dick Rush, affiliate member, for the loss of his father, Kirk Rush, 95 years old. Kirk was a Vocational Ag Instructor for most of his career and farmed on Moscow Mountain. After retiring, he moved to Boise to be close to his sons and their families. Congratulations to Rep. Gayle Batt, Class 18, who has been named to the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Advisory Committee by Governor C. L. “Butch” Otter. Congratulations to Skye Root, Class 33, who was named one of Idaho Business Review’s “Accomplished Under 40” award winners. Skye will be honored at a special event on June 18. Skye is a Regional Investment Manager with Westchester Group Investment Management, Inc. Congratulations to Jonquil (Rood) Henderson, Class 30, who was promoted to Senior Risk Management Specialist in the Spokane Regional Office of the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA). Jonquil has been with RMA since January 2009. Participants in the LIA D.C. Experience were not the only LIA graduates in Washington, D.C. during their recent visit. In the same hotel were Adam Dirks, Class 30, and his wife, Sara, along with Ron Bitner, Class 3. Both Sarah and Ron were attending a National Wine Conference. During dinner one evening, the group ran into Dustin Miller, Class 28, who was in D.C. dealing with Sage Grouse issues in his role as Director of the Office of Species Conservation for the Governor. The group also had the chance to have Jonathan Pettit, Class 29, join them for breakfast and a discussion about Jonathan’s new role at EPA as a compliance officer. Mark Duffin, Class 22, was in D.C. for an American Sugar meeting and was able to join the group for a presentation at the American Sugarbeet Association on Monday. Rick Phillips, Class 1, will be honored for his service as Rotary District 5400 Governor at a ceremony on Thursday, May 7, at 5:30 PM at Taysom Rotary Park in Pocatello. A tree will be planted in honor of Rick’s service and a travertine rock engraved with the words, “In Honor of Rick and Kerry Phillips, Rotary District 5400, 2014-2015,” will also be installed. The general public is invited to attend. Good reports have been received from Jaime Deacon, Class 30, whose husband, Lance, was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer in February. Lance has had three rounds of chemotherapy. After the second treatment, testing showed the tumors were shrinking. Lance is LIA Trustee Karleen Meyer’s son-in-law. Congratulations to Garren Apple, Class 27, his wife, Michelle, and family on the birth of Zella Elisabeth on April 25. She weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20” long. Update from the LIA trustee meeting on April 27:
Sympathy is extended to Glenn Gray, Class 9, in the passing of his mother, Mary Lou. Mrs. Gray was a strong advocate for agriculture, hosting many events and activities on their farm through the years to promote the industry.
Sympathy is extended to Christie Prescott, Class 33, and her husband, Wyatt, affiliate member, in the very unexpected passing of Christie’s mother, Patty Ann Bauscher, in late March. Mrs. Bauscher served as county assessor for Gooding County, a position she held for 21 years. Congratulations to RoLynne Hendricks, Class 33, Secretary/Treasurer of the LIA Board of Trustees, who has been named the Member in Charge of the Twin Falls operation of Cooper Norman. RoLynne, who has been located in Idaho Falls, will be relocating and starting her new position in Twin Falls on June 1. Thanks to everyone who responded to the Transportation Survey circulated throughout Idaho by Food Producers of Idaho. Your response was very helpful. The survey was sent almost daily to the legislature in the final days of the 2015 session as they wrestled with funding for road and bridge improvements in Idaho. LIA Directory Updates: Throughout the year Joanne York, in our office, works to keep up with changes and corrections to the LIA alumni directory. If you have changes at any time during the year, please send your information to her at [email protected], so we can keep a current directory on file. As we move into summer, we will do our annual solicitation for new information. 2015 LIA Washington, D.C. Experience: Plans are complete and reservations are made! Safe travels to our D.C. Experience participants: Kristie Dorsey (Class 35) Kendra Dustin (Class 32), LIA Fund Development Director Nate (Class 33) and Launa Fowler (Class 32) Aric (Class 35) and Michelle Frostenson, Kathryn, and Marcus Kyra Gibson (Class 35) Ann Jacops (Class 31) Benjamin Kelly (Class 29) Steve (Class 35) and Lindsey Smith Rick and Dorita Waitley, Tour Coordinators Congratulations to Blair Wilson, Class 11, who was elected as co-chairman for the 2017 Idaho Ag Summit. Benjamin Kelly, Class 29, has previously been selected to serve as co-chairman for the 2016 Idaho Ag Summit. Speaking of the Idaho Ag Summit - Nominations are due on July 1, 2015, for the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Agriculture (five different categories). Please check online at www.idahoagsummit.org for the categories, list of past recipients and the application. The 2015 summer schedule of Idaho Ag in the Classroom Workshops and Tours has been set! Our “On the Road” workshops will be held in Nampa (June 8-9) and again in Burley (July 8-9). A Caldwell-based tour will take place July 13-16. Graduate credits are available for both. Help us spread the word! Learn more at www.idahoaitc.org. Rick Waitley, Class 8, will be offering an all-day seminar on Thursday, May 7, entitled “Effective Meetings.” The seminar will cover life cycles of an organization, the role of the President/Chairman, the role of the Secretary or Executive Assistant, basic parliamentary procedure, building an agenda, actual practice in operating a meeting, fiduciary responsibility as a board member, the nuts and bolts of an effective meeting, and taking minutes. Space for the workshop is limited. Email Joanne at [email protected] to sign up today! If you have specific questions, contact Rick directly, at [email protected]. |
February 2025