Congratulations to Glen Gier, Class 21, who was recently named by Governor C. L. “Butch” Otter to the Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Commission. Glen is also on the Board of Directors for the Idaho Association of Soil Conservation Districts.
Senator Dan Johnson, Class 14, was recently named as co-chairman of the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee (JFAC). Senator Johnson, from Lewiston, will join fellow LIA Alumni, Rep. Marcus Gibbs, Class 4, who is co-chairman for the House side of JFAC. Mark “Zack” Zacharisen, Class 17, is moving from the Magic Valley to Moscow to join the staff of CHS Primeland, adding to the number of LIA alumni who already work for the cooperative. Sympathy is extended to Aaron Johnson, Class 25, whose mother recently passed away. Mrs. Johnson lived in the Meridian/Nampa area. Your prayers and support are appreciated for Mark Pratt, Class 11, who was injured recently in a horse-related accident and suffered a bad concussion and broken wrist. Also for Kali Sherrill, Class 27, who suffered a slight stroke, but is seeing daily progress as she eases back into her work as Twin Falls County Weed Superintendent. The 2015-2016 LIA Alumni Directory is off to the printer! Thanks to everyone who contributed update information to help us maintain records and contact information for alumni. Lifetime Members and current LIA members - those who have paid their dues - will be receiving a complimentary copy of the directory early this fall. Speaking of membership, attached is the current list of members who have paid their dues. If you have not submitted your dues payment yet, please pay online here. As stated above, only Lifetime Members and current members will receive a complimentary copy of the directory. Class 36 participants will be selected on Friday, September 11. We have an excellent pool of candidates. Ben Jantz, Class 33, and LIA Trustee member Adam Duckett, Class 33, have been named co-chairmen. LIA Trustee Travis Jones, Class 28, has been named State Policy Director for Congressman Mike Simpson. Travis will start his new position on September 1 and will be based in Boise. For the past eight years he has been Executive Director of the Idaho Grain Producers Association. Travis worked on the staff for U.S. Senator Larry Craig prior to his position with IGPA. The Cedric Story is a great story about relationships (see attached). Cedric will be visiting Idaho from September 10-20. It is our hope to have him spend time with as many farmers and ranchers as possible to give him a true Idaho experience. If you would like to host Cedric as part of his visit to Idaho, please send Rick an email at [email protected]. I T’ S F A I R T I M E !!!! We want to thank those of you who have signed up to work at the Western Idaho and Twin Falls County Fairs’ Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Pavilion (sponsored by Food Producers of Idaho). It takes a host of volunteers to staff the Pavilion! If you have not yet volunteered, please call Joanne at 208-888-0988 to schedule a time when you can help. This is a great way to use your skills in promoting Idaho agriculture to the general public!
February 2025