Congratulations to Steve Hines, Class 31, and Joel Packham, Class 9, for being named Agency Employees of the Year by the Twin Falls Soil and Water Conservation District. This recognition is in honor of their partnership on a two-year cover crop demonstration project. The award was given by the Idaho Association of Soil Conservation Districts.
Bryce Bowman, Class 30, was recently named the regional representative to the Board of Directors for the Idaho Cooperative Council, Inc. Bryce will represent his employer, Darigold. The Holidays had special meaning for two University of Idaho CALS employees - Kim O’Neill, Class 27, and Carly Raska, Class 34 - each of whom announced their engagements last month. And Facebook told the stories! Both Kim and Carly work for the CALS Development Office in Moscow. Rich Garber, Class 2, will be leaving the U of I CALS at the end of January 2016 after serving as assistant to the Dean for the past 15 years. Rich will now be the lobbyist for the Idaho Grain Producers Association. Matt Dorsey, Class 29, was named president of Canyon County Farm Bureau. Matt is a fifth-generation farmer from Sunny Slope and formerly served as chairman of the LIA Board of Trustees. Congratulations to Danielle Stephens, Class 31, who welcomed daughter Katelyn Grace Stephens into her world at 11:38 AM on New Year’s Day. Proud grandpa, Scott Breeding, Class 27, passed along a three-generation picture, stating, “We are pretty excited!” ________________________________________________________ Looking ahead to Boise in February February 15-16 (Monday and Tuesday): Idaho Ag Summit Registration materials are online at This year’s theme is centered around the impact of climate change on both agriculture and the way we do business. The Summit will be held at the Red Lion Downtowner. February 17 (Wednesday): The Legal Side of Agriculture Moffatt Thomas Law Firm will once again share this presentation with our LIA class from 9 AM to 12 noon at the Red Lion Downtowner. Alumni are invited to attend. The specific topics will be announced soon. February 18 (Thursday): 11 AM - LIA Annual Meeting at the Red Lion Downtowner. Attorney Rich Hall of Boise will give a special presentation on mentoring. Lunch will be provided following the meeting. February 18 (Thursday): 6 PM - LIA Alumni Gala and Auction at the Riverside Hotel. Now is the time to invite friends and family to join you for this annual event. Our goal for 2016 is to raise $50,000!
February 2025