Congratulations to Neil Durrant, Class 34, who was recently elected as Chairman of ANRIPAC. ANRIPAC stands for Agriculture Natural Resources Industry Political Action Committee and has a goal of supporting legislative and state races for candidates supporting agriculture and natural resource interests. Neil is involved on the family farm south of Meridian and serves on the LIA Board of Trustees.
Marty, Class 38, and Jennifer, Class 37, Lux are extra proud parents since their daughter, Jillian, was awarded Female Scholarship Recipient for 2022. The award is presented by National Interscholastic Associates of Athletic Administrators. Jillian attends Nezperce High School where she has been active in volleyball, basketball and softball. She will be one of three valedictorians in 2022 having a perfect 4.0 GPA. Marty and Jen operate a farm near Nezperce. Jim, Class 31, and Hillary Lowe are also proud parents as their senior, Brooklyn, was the state winner of the Outdoor Recreation Proficiency Award, was named the top individual in the State FFA Farm Business Management competition and had the highest score in the extremely difficult state Parliamentary Procedure test. Brooklyn is one of the Salutatorians of her graduating class at Kuna High School. Jim and Hillary own and operate Lowe Family Farmstead in Kuna. Parental pride does not stop for John, Class 30, and Alison Bohman as they celebrated their daughter, Halee, who was elected State FFA President for the 2022-2023 school year. Halee joins another team member with an LIA alumni parent, Mackenzie Malson, State FFA Treasurer, the daughter of Maggie, Class 39, and Josh Malson. Both the Bohman (Troy, Idaho) and Malson (Parma, Idaho) families are involved in production agriculture operations. Students were not the only ones recognized at the recent State FFA Leadership Conference. Ritchey Toevs, Class 2, was presented an Honorary State FFA Degree. Ritchey farms near American Falls. Recently, Dan Mattson, Class 28, and his wife, Cynthia, shared the great news of a new granddaughter, Gabby, born March 17. Gabby joins big sister, Chloe, who is 7 and her parents, Tiffany (Mattson) and Anthony Mayes. Dan also gave us an update on their triplets (2 girls and a boy) born on January 2 in Anchorage. All of them around 1.5 pounds at birth, by the first of April they were nearing their normal birth weight for when they were to arrive in mid-April. What a great miracle, Dan says they have witnessed with these three babies. Dan works for Columbia Bank. Ann Jacops, Class 31, and her husband Scott celebrate with their daughter Autumn and boyfriend, Ruston Wade, the birth of Adalyn Lorraine Wade on February 11. The Wade’s live near Caldwell – Ann says just close enough for spoiling Adalyn as much as possible. Ann works in Parma for the ID-OR Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association. Sympathy is extended to the family of Marc Shigeta, Class 24, who passed away April 1. Marc was involved in a family farming operation near New Plymouth. He was a member of the Idaho Oil and Gas Commission and served several terms as a Payette County Commissioner. Carly Schoepflin, Class 34, recently shared information that Montana State University named a wheat variety after her mother Lola Raska for her many years of investing in the Montana Wheat industry. The wheat is a Durum wheat and is called MT Raska. Lola served as Executive Director of the Montana Grain Growers Association for several years. Grain Growers throughout the state voted on the names for new varieties released by MSU and MT Raska was selected. Carly works for the University of Idaho CALS as Director of Communications. A great Information Call was held April 18 to explain and answer questions and details related to the LIA Alumni Tour to Kentucky on October 23-28, 2022. If you were unable to join the call and would like to learn more about the trip, please send an email to [email protected] and we will forward the 30-minute recording. Lynn Bachman, Class 31, and his wife Tiffany ranch near Bruneau. On April 1, Lynn and their 14-year-old daughter, Elsie, were moving cattle when Elsie’s horse tripped in a badger hole, throwing Elsie from the horse. Elsie was transported to St. Luke’s Boise pediatric ICU unit where she was in a coma. After a series of MRI’s and other tests, the pediatric neurosurgeon determined she has a diffuse axonal traumatic brain injury. In short, it’s a lot of tiny injuries throughout her brain and most likely even in her brain stem. Lynn and Tiffany have not left her side while making trips to and from Boise to Bruneau to care for their ranch and other children, Jacob and Lillie. Lynn is the former president of the Owyhee Cattlemen’s Association and owns Bachman Land and Livestock. The decision was made on Easter weekend to move Elsie to Salt Lake City for additional therapy. After 17 days in St. Luke’s Boise, it is difficult for the Bachmans to leave a Boise medical team, who have become like family. A miracle happened just this week as a room opened at the Ronald McDonald house in Salt Lake that will accommodate their family. There are still responsibilities at the ranch that will need attention from time to time so the 6-hour drive will be more of a challenge. We are establishing a fund to assist the Bachman family with food, gas money, and supplies as they continue to encourage and give hope to Elsie. It is a slow journey but those who have known Elsie say she is a fighter. The doctor told Tiffany that self-motivation by the patient and a good support group are key. We believe Elsie has both. Please keep the Bachman family in your prayers. If you would like to donate, you may call Patty at 208-888-0988 and handle it by phone with a credit card or you can send a check made out to LIA and mark it as “Elsie Fund.” We will pass the funds onto Lynn and Tiffany for their expenses. The Bachman’s are the type of neighbors that would give you the shirt off their back. Now it is their turn to receive support and encouragement from all of us.
February 2025