Caldwell High School will again have an Ag Ed department thanks to the investment of time and support to reestablish the program by two LIA Alumni - Darrell Bolz,Class 7, and Sid Freeman, Class 19. There has not been a program at the school since 1960 when the Vallivue School District split away from Caldwell and Vallivue retained the ag program. At Caldwell High School, the program has over 200 students enrolled with fifteen as members of the FFA.
Jon Barrett, Class 19, was appointed executive director of the Idaho Rural Partnership in April 2017. LIA has a long relationship with the program. Caroline Nilsson Troy, Class 15, serves as a member of the board of directors. Jon had been the acting executive director during the 2016 Legislative Session when there was a reauthorization of the IRP Development Act. Rick Naerebout, Class 23, recently has been named by the Idaho Dairymen's Association Board of Directors as the CEO of the organization. Rick will immediately assume this duty from his father, Bob Naerebout, who will continue to work in the organization. The IDA office is located in Twin Falls, in the heart of Idaho's dairy industry. Ben Jantz, Class 33, was recently elected to the board of directors for the Canyon County Farm Bureau. Canyon County has the second largest membership in Idaho Farm Bureau but the largest number of farm and ranch family members. Tereasa Waterman, Class 18, has announced she will be retiring from the Idaho Wheat Commission as director of communications. Tereasa and her husband, Lin, are expecting a new little bundle in their home in December. The job description for a replacement has been posted. Susi Larrocea, Class 4, and Flip Phillips, Class 3, celebrated the wedding ceremony of their son, Patxi, on October 7. Patxi graduated from the U of I Law School in Moscow in May and his wife, Alex, teaches 3rd grade in Boise. Their daughter, Argia, is currently employed in Fowler, CA, at a raisin processing plant where she is involved in the international marketing of raisins for the company. This is fair warning - if you make a connection with Rich Garber, Class 2, you had better be prepared to see pictures of his new granddaughter, Isla, born recently to Rich's son, Ryan, and his wife. We are talking one proud grandpa. Justin Patten, Class 21, has recently been given a new job within Idaho Farm Bureau. Justin is director of organization and supervises the five regional managers that cover the state. Justin oversees member benefits and digital marketing, working closely with insurance personnel and the relationship with the Farm Bureau Insurance Company. Justin is located at the state's headquarters in Pocatello. The LIA Board of Trustees established the tuition for Class 39 of LIA at $2500. Please be sure and note this in making contact with any potential members for next year's class. Sponsorship and support information for Class 38 events, meals, breaks, and other support, was recently sent to all LIA Alumni. Be sure to contact Patty if you want to make a credit card payment. We would like to get your name included in the session programs so let us know ASAP. Joanne York will be retiring from AMG on October 31; she joined the firm in August 2013. Her replacement is Lisa Byce. We are anxious for you to meet Lisa who will be working directly on LIA activities and events. Best wishes to Joanne in her retirement. The 2017-2018 LIA Directory is at the printers and is expected back next week. We are anxious to get a copy in the mail to all lifetime and annual members of LIA. Thanks to everyone who offered updates to this year's directory. The directory is of great value for staying connected and for networking with fellow LIA alumni.
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Mary Hasenoehrl, Class 17, was recently appointed by Governor "C.L." Butch Otter to the Idaho Potato Commission. Mary is the first female to be appointed to this commission in the history of IPC. Mary has most recently worked for Lewis and Clark State College and continues to serve as a Port Commissioner for the Port of Lewiston. Mark Zirschky, Class 32, superintendent of Pioneer Irrigation Company, recently announced the appointment of Kirk Meyers, Class 36, as assistant superintendent of Pioneer Irrigation Company. Kirk's former position was foreman. If you picked up a copy of the summer edition of Idaho Farm Bureau magazine, you would have seen plenty of features related to Leadership Idaho Agriculture alumni:
Bonnie Davis, Class 23, who serves as the Washington County Weed Superintendent. Sympathy is extended to the family of Gus Eliopulos, Class 23, who passed away recently. Gus was working for the Idaho State Department of Agriculture in the marketing division when he was involved with LIA. LIA Class 38 starts Monday, November 6! Co-chairmen will be Lynae Grant, Class 36, and Rhett Spear, Class 37. Lynae oversees HR responsibilities for Grant 4-D Farms in Rupert and Rhett is employed at McCain Foods in Burley. Strategic Planning Session The LIA Board of Trustees has entered into an agreement with Dr. David Alexander to lead the board through a strategic planning session. The process will be started later this fall and will include an electronic survey that will be sent to all LIA alumni. The goal is to protect and plan for the sustainability of the LIA program for decades to come. Representatives from the Succession Committee will be engaged in the process. Dr. Alexander will be conducting a number of personal interviews with trustees, former trustees, and program stakeholders. The goal is to have the process completed and summarized early in 2018. Regional Events and the Gala will be held as follows: Moscow Session Wed., November 8 Lindsay Creek Winery in Lewiston, 6:30 PM Pocatello Session Tues., December 5 TBD Twin Falls Session Thur., January 4 TBD Gala Dinner/Auction Wed., February 21 Boise Centre (on the Grove), 6:00 PM Congratulations to the following 30 individuals who have been selected for LIA Class 38:
February 2025