Congratulations to Jim and Doris Pearson, parents of Rick Pearson, Class 21, who received the Idaho Farm Bureau’s highest honor on December 8 – The President’s Cup Award. The Pearson’s owned and operated a dairy near Buhl, retiring last year. The award is presented to individuals who have committed themselves to the organization.
Congratulations to Blake, Class 36, and Val Matthews on the birth of daughter Rylee Clair on December 21. Rylee entered the world weighing 9 lbs 4 oz and 21 1/2 in long. She arrived in time to see Grandpa Scott Bedke sworn in as Lt. Governor. The Matthews now have two girls and two boys. Congratulations to Randall Jayo, Class 35, who recently retired from a career with BLM. Randall says it is an adjustment but he thinks he is going to enjoy the new gig. Randall was based in Twin Falls. Congratulations to Laura Wilder, Class 38, and her husband Steve who were named by the Idaho Ag in the Classroom Association as Advocates for Agriculture at the 2022 Annual Meeting. Presenting and also receiving the same honor was Lori Idsinga, Class 43, with the Idaho FFA Association, Lori spoke on the role of the FFA in building career awareness among their members at the meeting. At the 2022 Ag in the Classroom Annual Meeting, reelected to the board for another term were Ann Jacops, Class 31, and Stephanie Duckett, Class 40. Newly elected to serve on the board of directors was Audra Cochran, Class 39 and Derek Gerratt, Class 42. Samantha Parrott, spouse of Stephen Parrott, Class 39, was also elected to the AITC board. Samantha serves as Executive Director of Snake River Sugarbeet Growers Assn. The program oversees agricultural literacy education in K – 12 grades throughout Idaho. Congratulations to Lori Satterwhite-Turner, Class 36 who recently completed her Master’s Degree in Natural Resources from the University of Idaho and graduated in December 2022. In November, Lori became a new grandmother to Jack Walker, born to son Broc and wife Jenna Draney. With the completion of her Master’s Degree, Lori’s title at Simplot Land and Livestock changed to Natural Resource Specialist. She also chairs the Shoshone Basin Rangeland Fire Protection Assn. and is president of the PEO Chapter AH in Filer. Needless to say, Lori’s life is busy. Speaking of Simplot Land and Livestock, Darcy Helmick, Class 32, Land Manager sent the following announcement: We have posted our job for a rangeland monitoring specialist. Joel Wasem, Class 38, recently updated LIA on his life. Joel has been with CHS Primeland for a number of years and farming roughly 65 acres for a neighbor on the side. The neighbor offered him an additional 750 acres and Joel was having trouble balancing his responsibilities at CHS and farming. In the process he was approached by Bell Equipment, the local John Deere dealership, who offered him a position in equipment sales. Joel will specialize in precision ag products, new and upcoming farming practices, big iron sales and more. Joel lives in the Grangeville area. ISDA Director Celia Gould recently announced her retirement. Her successor is Chanel Tewalt, wife of Josh Tewalt, Class 22, who has been serving as Deputy Director. Josh serves as the Director of the Idaho Department of Corrections. Have you seen the new LIA 2022-2023 Directory or the Annual Report? If not, it might mean you have not paid your annual or Lifetime membership dues. Contact Patty at [email protected] or go online at to update your membership. We will gladly send you your seal, certificate, annual report and current directory.
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February 2025